German Language
Introduction to german language....
German is a West Germanic language, thus related to and classified alongside English and Dutch. It is one of the world's major languages and the most widely spoken first language in the European Union. Globally, German is spoken by approximately 120 million native speakers and also by about 80 million non-native speakers. Standard German is widely taught in schools, universities and Goethe Institutes worldwide....
The history of the language begins with the High German consonant shift during the migration period, separating Old High German dialects fromOld Saxon. The earliest testimonies of Old High German are from scattered Elder Futhark inscriptions, especially in Alemannic, from the 6th century AD; the earliest glosses (Abrogans) date to the 8th; and the oldest coherent texts (the Hildebrandslied, the Muspilli and the Merseburg Incantations) to the 9th century. Old Saxon at this time belongs to the North Sea Germanic cultural sphere, and Low Saxon should fall under German rather than Anglo-Frisian influence during the Holy Roman Empire.
As Germany was divided into many different states, the only force working for a unification or standardization of German during a period of several hundred years was the general preference of writers trying to write in a way that could be understood in the largest possible area.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Parents | die Eltern | Mother | die Mutter |
Father | der Vater | Son | der Sohn |
Daughter | die Tochter | Brother | der Bruder |
Sister | die Schwester | Grandfather | der Großvater |
Grandmother | die Großmutter | Grandson | der Enkel |
Granddaughter | die Enkelin | Niece | die Nichte |
Nephew | der Neffe | Cousin (m) | der Vetter |
Cousin (f) | die Kusine | Uncle | der Onkel |
Aunt | die Tante | Boy | der Junge |
Girl | das Mädchen | Man | der Mann |
Woman | die Frau | Friend | der Freund |
Professions in German
teacher | der Lehrer, die Lehrerin |
social worker | der Sozialpädagoge |
secretary | der Sekretär, die Sekretärin |
scientist | der Wissenschaftler |
salesperson | der Verkäufer, die Verkäuferin |
Priest | der Priester |
preacher | der Pfarrer |
physician | der Arzt, die Ärztin |
pharmacist | der Apotheker |
Nurse | der Krankenpfleger |
mechanic | der Mechaniker |
manager | der Betriebswirt |
mailman | der Briefträger |
lawyer | der Rechtsanwalt |
journalist | der Journalist |
homemaker, housewife | die Hausfrau |
flight attendant | der Steward |
engineer | der Ingenieur |
employee | der/die Angestellte |
electrician | der Elektriker |
economist | der Volkswirt |
doctor | der Arzt, die Ärztin |
clergyman | der Pfarrer |
month | der Monat(e) |
Year | das Jahr(e) |
monthly | monatlich |
yearly | jährlich |
Day | der Tag(e) |
morning | der Morgen |
afternoon | der Nachmittag(e) |
evening | der Abend(e) |
Night | die Nacht(ä, e) |
Today | heute |
tomorrow | morgen |
Tonight | heute Abend |
yesterday | gestern |
last night | gestern abend |
Week | die Woche(n) |
weekend | das Wochenende(n) |
Daily | täglich |
Weekly | wöchentlich |